Tuesday, April 14, 2009

leaving and left

So I'm thinking a lot about all the people I've left and all the people that have left me. And now I am a ball of emotions (sort of). When my grandma died, that was leaving. But, she was in a lot of pain, I kinda left her before she left me. That sounds kinda mean, but I had to detach myself from her because it would have been too painful for me to pretend she'd get better. She only got worse.
One of my best friends left me, when it should have been me leaving him but I just couldn't. I always thought it'd be me the one leaving, since he was rarely a good friend to me. But I waited too long, and to my surprise he told me that we should stop being together. I thought that things would be easier, since at times being his friend was so hard. But I felt very empty and lonely. Just picking up my phone would remind me of him, since we'd always call each other when we were bored.
Whenever I think about him now, I only smile. He's a really funny guy and I always remember the predicaments we used to get in and the good times. I ran into him once at Village Pointe. He was with a girl, but I talked to him anyway. I really miss him.

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