Thursday, September 25, 2008

Selfishness : (

Don't you hate it when people are selfish, when they only have their own best interest in mind? Sometimes you get that feeling where someone doesn't care about you, and they only care about themselves. Personally, I think that's the worst feeling. Everybody wants people to care.
I don't know how many times I've heard someone say, "I wish they cared more." It's dissappointing to think people put themselves first. How different would the world be if we all cared for each other? We'd all be more cautious. Life would be more safe. There'd be more to live for knowing that there are people out there who care.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

presidential debate

America has a great deal of problems, and we need a president that will be able to handle all these problems in a constructive and beneficial manner. That's why if you're going to vote (which you should if you ever want to make a difference), you shouldn't just choose Obama or McCain, you should investigate and study these canidates since they're going to be the leaders of our country for the following four years.
I've never met someone who's entirely a republican or entirely a democrat. People are always a little bit of both. It's one of those I'm republican on this issue, unless this happens then I have a democratic view. That's why voting can get puzzling. But you'll find that your decisions will get easier the more you learn about the canidates.
If I could ask the canidates one question it would be; are you truthfully, 100% ready to be the leader of America and take in all the responsibilities?