Friday, February 27, 2009

saturday feb 28, my fake birthday

February 29th is my birthday. Technically, I'm four years old. This year I don't have my real birthday, but I celebrate anyways. Saturday to Sunday I have a hotel room at holiday inn express. I always try really hard to make fun birthday plans for all my friends and I, but everything always ends up going wrong. Three of my best friends are fighting. And they've all said the same thing: I don't want to go to your party if she's going to be there. It makes me so angry that they'd be doing this to me. First off, it's not about them... for once. I spent all my money on this hotel room just so I could get all my friends together and have fun... and they don't even want to come because all they are thinking of is themselves. I don't believe in revenge, but I'm thinking of what I should do for there birthdays. How about absolutely nothing? : )
Of course I'll probably end up doing something really nice for them anyways. I'm not one for revenge after all...

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