Friday, October 17, 2008

somethings I've learned

Journalism class has been an expeirence for me. I've learned a lot that makes me a way better journalist. I'm very indecisive, if your around me when I'm trying to make a decision you'll probably think I'm the most annoyingly uncertain person you've ever met. Even though this is true, I'm actually considering journalism as a career but, of course, I'm not really sure about it. But kinda sure.
Somethings I have learned-
1. You won't get a good quote if you ask plain yes/no/sure/nah/maybe kinda questions. You have to dig deep, and sometimes put words in their mouth to get good quotes for an article.
2. No matter how much time you spend working on a article, you'll at least have some sort of mistake you have to change. Well at least for my articles I do.
3. If you have a question about something, whether it's about photoshop or where to put a comma, just ask it.
4. Good ideas for the paper are hard to think of.
5. Deadlines are important

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