Friday, February 27, 2009

saturday feb 28, my fake birthday

February 29th is my birthday. Technically, I'm four years old. This year I don't have my real birthday, but I celebrate anyways. Saturday to Sunday I have a hotel room at holiday inn express. I always try really hard to make fun birthday plans for all my friends and I, but everything always ends up going wrong. Three of my best friends are fighting. And they've all said the same thing: I don't want to go to your party if she's going to be there. It makes me so angry that they'd be doing this to me. First off, it's not about them... for once. I spent all my money on this hotel room just so I could get all my friends together and have fun... and they don't even want to come because all they are thinking of is themselves. I don't believe in revenge, but I'm thinking of what I should do for there birthdays. How about absolutely nothing? : )
Of course I'll probably end up doing something really nice for them anyways. I'm not one for revenge after all...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

only 6 words

Lost from road, but finding sidewalk

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I love my family. How could I not? In their own way, they're always supportive and there for me when I need them. My cousins and I are really close, too. I'd choose a day with them over my friends, just becasue I've known them my whole life and they could never disappoint me.
But I do love my friends. Without them my life would be pretty boring and lame.
And, yes, I've fallin in love with a boy before. At first I think they're perfect and everything is wonderful. But truthfully I had just played them up to be perfect, and really they aren't that great. And that's how things end.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Performance

I feel like I've been doing very well this year. I am on the honor roll and I have a 3.7 GPA. My grandma was a teacher, and she was always very concerned about grades. Before she died I promised her I would letter in academics. I thought that that was achievable, because I know I will finish this year with good grades. But now I don't even know if I can keep my promise to her. Because, as I just found out, it takes two consecutive semisters of a 3.7 GPA to letter academically. So even if I finish this year with my GPA up, it won't matter. Since it has to be two semisters in a row.
This being true, I feel like I shouldn't even try anymore. I know that it will be impossible for me to be on honor roll my whole senior year. It will be just too hard, especially with my science and math classes.
I think I do well in journalism, though. I know I struggle with deadlines, but I'm doing great with these new deadlines. I already have rough rafts for my stories. It feels good to be ahead of the game.